

For many, suffering with addiction to alcohol and drugs, it is next to impossible to amend alcohol or drug given behavior, without the benefit of a Spiritual Awakening from God through a 12 step program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Therefore, each resident signs a recovery contract that includes working the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) with a sponsor or receive treatment from a therapist.

Residents are required to submit to random drug and/or alcohol testing.

The purpose of a recovery house is to allow individuals to reintegrate into society without the use of drugs or alcohol while still providing monitoring and support.

The second purpose of a recovery house is to provide a long-term residential home with a sober environment for people living a life in recovery free from alcohol or drug addiction.

A recovery house is generally believed to reduce the risk of relapse when compared to returning to familiar surroundings, old neighborhoods, and friends.

Freedom Recovery House's philosophy is based on the 12 Step Recovery Program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Therefore, working the program of AA or NA or receiving treatment from a therapist is mandatory.

There are several opportunities for personal growth through education as well.

  • Literacy Programs

  • GED Programs

  • Vocational Schools

  • Middle Tennessee State University

  • Trade Schools

  • Adult Education Programs

From more information, send us a request from our Contact Us page, or phone us at (615) 542-0572.